Prevent your emails from being marked as Spam!

by | Jun 6, 2020 | Sendgrid | 0 comments

For any marketing professional, every promotional email that is marked as spam is very painful. Not only does the content that was being promoted in the email go unnoticed, but the reputation of the brand being promoted in the email gets tarnished as well.

So if you want to prevent your emails from landing up the spam section of any user’s inbox, then there are certain steps that you can take to ensure that every one of your marketing emails are opened and read.

Here are some steps that you can take today to make sure your business emails are opened and engaged with.

1. Include an unsubscribe option:

Sometimes, your marketing emails may wind up in the wrong persons’ inbox. What would you do if you were a person who keeps seeing emails from a company that you are not interested in doing business with? You would immediately click the spam button so as to never see an email from that company ever again.

To combat this, you can simply offer the user a choice to unsubscribe to your emails instead of marking the email as spam and tarnishing the reputation of your business domain or brand. In this way, you show users that you care about their preferences of what marketing emails they want to view. If they click unsubscribe, then you will understand who among your list of leads do not want your emails, so you would not have to waste time in sending them your promotional material.

2. Always test your emails:

Before you actually start sending out those marketing emails, it would wise for you to first test them. This will not only check whether your emails look good to the recipient, but you can also see if the message you are trying to convey comes out in the right manner.

If you are using an email service like Sendgrid, then you can get an easy way to test your emails using the A/B testing option. This will help you see if the email truly looks good and is delivering the right message to your audience.

3. Check email reports frequently:

For every email marketing campaign you send out, you need to have a way to check the email delivery reports. The Sendgrid emailing service provides you with various helpful insights, like the number of emails that weren’t opened, the rate of emails that bounced, the click-through rate of your marketing emails, etc.

With the help of these stats, you will be able to monitor the effectiveness of your emails. So in case any of them are not performing as expected, then it will be easier for you to understand what went wrong by doing a quick review of the data from the email campaign.


These were a few tips that could go a long way in helping you prevent your emails from going into spam. This is important because once your emails start being marked as spam, then it’s very hard to recover as your business domain or IP address would be blacklisted. You will not face this problem if you use a trustworthy email delivery service like Sendgrid.


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